Register now for the second installment of SMI’s Book Club, focused on Byron Sharp’s lightning rod marketing best-seller, “How Brands Grow”:
June 29, 11:30-12:30 ET, Zoom registration required
Book Club host Rick Bruner, SMI’s Head of Insights & Analytics, will be joined by these special guests:
The SMI Book Club has a mission to expose professionals about books that have had a major influence on the practice and theory of advertising.
After the success of our first meeting on the universally beloved “Media Planning” by Erwin Ephron, this time we’ve picked a title that had no less impact but is perhaps less universally beloved, Professor Byron Sharp’s “How Brands Grow.”
The author is Professor of Marketing Science at the University of South Australia and Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, dedicated to marketing research, and the book reflects what Sharp posits as laws of marketing synthesized from the institute’s large body of analysis. Part of its appeal/controversy was that some of the book’s so-called laws came as as myth-busting popular marketing beliefs, such as that narrow audience targeting is good for ROI or that brand loyalty was strong.
First published a dozen years ago, the book quickly found strong adherents among a new generation CMOs at Fortune 500 brands, shooting it to the top of new marketing bibles. Just as quickly, however, the book’s critics were many, citing contrary evidence and other objections.
Our book club panel will hear from all sides. More guests are to be announced in the coming days.
The webinar is free, but you should get a copy of the book and read it. A new print copy on Amazon is a bit pricy compared to the average book, but if you can’t expense it, you may look for cheaper alternatives in used editions, audio or Kindle formats or a loaner from the library.